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Experts Claim Incarcerated Women Put at Risk by Biden’s Gender Policies

( – President Joe Biden has implemented multiple policies to ensure transgender Americans are given equal rights. As part of Pride Month, the administration promised to bring “all resources to bear” to fight for the LGBTQ+ community. Two conservative commentators believe the administration is putting civil liberties at risk.

On Biden’s first day in office, he issued an executive order that directed federal agencies to start treating rules that target sexual orientation and gender identity the same as they do discrimination based on sex. The agencies were told to suspend any rules that went against that policy.

Eric Kniffin and Andrea Picciotti-Bayer wrote an op-ed for Newsweek and accused the president of being obsessed with transgender issues. They argued that his focus on the issues has put other rights at risk, including threatening incarcerated women.

The Civil Rights Division’s Special Litigation Section is supposed to enforce the Civil Rights Of Institutionalized Persons (CRIPA) law. It’s supposed to bring civil suits against institutions that violate the civil rights of prisoners. That includes prisoners’ rights against sexual abuse.

In 2020, the division opened a probe into a facility in New Jersey to find out whether the female inmates were protected from such abuse by the staff but closed it a month later. The state had previously agreed to house inmates based on their gender identity, not their biological gender. A year after the change, inmates began reporting abuse by transgender prisoners, one of them got two female inmates pregnant. The Civil Rights Division has not opened another investigation. The Conservatives point to that as one of the examples of the administration’s dangerous policies.

The op-ed went on to say the administration has passed multiple regulations since then. Those regulations include forcing federal employers to “affirm” the gender identity of individuals by allowing them to use the bathroom of their choice and forcing employers to call people by their preferred pronouns.

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