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Kamala Harris Flips-Flops Again Sparking Heated Discussions


Vice President Kamala Harris, once a staunch opponent of the border wall, now pledges to spend hundreds of millions on its construction if elected president, igniting a firestorm of political debate.

At a Glance

  • Harris shifts stance on border wall, pledging to spend millions on construction.
  • Her new position aligns closer with conservative views on immigration.
  • Harris supports a bipartisan border security bill previously opposed by Trump.
  • The shift comes amid attacks from Trump’s campaign and rising border crossings.
  • Harris defends her work on addressing the root causes of migration in Central America.

Harris’s Surprising Shift on Border Wall

Vice President Kamala Harris has made a surprising pivot in her stance on border security, pledging to allocate hundreds of millions of dollars for the southern border wall if elected president. This marks a significant departure from her previous position, where she vehemently opposed the wall’s construction, once calling it “un-American” and “a medieval vanity project.”

Harris’s evolving position on border security reflects the complex and contentious nature of the immigration debate in America. Her support for a bipartisan border security bill, which includes provisions for wall construction and additional resources for asylum processing, signals a more moderate approach to immigration policy.

Political Implications of Harris’s New Stance

The Vice President’s shift comes in response to mounting pressure from Republican opponents, particularly former President Donald Trump’s campaign. Trump has labeled Harris as the Biden administration’s ineffective “border czar,” criticizing her handling of the immigration crisis.

Harris’s campaign has launched ads portraying her as an immigration hardliner, emphasizing her support for the border wall and Border Patrol agents. This strategy aims to counter Republican attacks and appeal to a broader range of voters concerned about border security. Unfortunately, her past remarks and actions stand in stark contrast to her new shift.

Addressing Root Causes of Migration

Despite the controversy surrounding her new position on the border wall, Harris has defended her work on addressing the root causes of migration from Central America. She has focused on boosting private investment in El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala to create jobs and discourage migration.

The White House reports $5.2 billion in investment promises for the region, with $1.3 billion already invested by June 2024. Harris has also addressed corruption in Central America, meeting with exiled prosecutors and helping prevent election interference in Guatemala.

Challenges and Criticisms

Despite Harris’s efforts, unauthorized crossings at the U.S.-Mexico border hit an all-time high in 2023. Critics argue that her focus on long-term solutions has not adequately addressed the immediate crisis at the border. Republican opponents have seized on these challenges, with some calling for even more stringent measures.

As the 2024 presidential election approaches, Harris’s flip-flopping stance on border security and immigration will likely remain a central issue in the political debate. Her ability to balance addressing immediate border concerns with long-term solutions for migration will be crucial in shaping public perception and policy outcomes.


  1. Kamala Harris chose a long-term approach when tasked to tackle rise in border crossings
  2. Harris flip-flops on building the border wall
  3. Republicans accuse Kamala Harris of flip-flopping on border wall policy
  4. “Border Czar” Kamala Harris “Unburdened” Herself of Responsibility to Secure the Country – Chairman Green in NY Post
  5. Harris’ struggles with immigration policy expose political vulnerabilities
  6. What Kamala Harris did – and didn’t do – on immigration and the border

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